David Hruska

My name is David Hruska and I just moved to Springfield, Missouri. I am a baseball enthusiast/writer by day and a night auditor at a hotel at night. My favorite team is the New York Yankees but I also like watching the Minnesota Twins, the Kansas City Royals, the Tampa Bay Rays and anyone who plays well.

My time is split between baseball, my girlfriend, biking and reading. Japhy, my dog, also loves playing baseball with me.

I live with my loving girlfriend of 6 years, Shannon, who has learned to love the game I grew up playing.

I enjoy reading about the history and origins of baseball, and I enjoy many current writers who think critically about the game, including Joe Poznanski, Jonah Keri, and Tom Verducci. I hope my writing reflects my honest opinion and hard work and I encourage anyone to continue the discussion by commenting on what I write. My email address is djh781@gmail.com and if you ever want to discuss baseball or have a piece of writing you would like to share please drop me an email or comment below. Thanks for reading!

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